In Season Strength - General/ Max

In season general / max
Aerobic Warm up At least 15 min
record how many times you do this session
Foam roller - thoracic mobility2-3 minutes
Dyno disk band steps2 x 20 steps each leg
Classic band push2 x 20 steps each leg
High plank DB shoulder series (light) front, side - 6 each arm x 2 sets
downward dog spider stretchx 4-6 each side
Lateral bound in place3 sets of 10 total jumps
General Lifts - can circuit if you want
DB Row or high bench row3 x 6 each side med/heavy
DB single leg RDL3 x 8 each side med
Single arm push press3 x 6 each side med/light
step down step up3 x 5 each leg med/heavy 
Core (2-3 times through, short rest) 
Front plank up downsx 60 seconds 
side plank knee to elbowx 12 each side
Superman w/ bandx 12 holds (3 seconds) 
Cable rotation low highx 15 each side