Training Periodization for Skiing
By Andy Newell
Periodization is simply the strategic implementation of specific training phases over a period of time. It’s the WHEN and WHY of ski training.
All athletes, especially skiers need periodization in their training in order to elicit the best training response and reach their potential. Periodization in the amount of volume vs. intensity should be built into our training and fluctuate throughout the training year as a skier adapts to specific stresses on the body.
Periodization implemented properly will allow a skier to benefit the most from their training through supercompensation and reach peak fitness for big competitions.
Supercompenation Image – USSA coaches manual
When planning training for a skier their season goals and long term goals should be reflected in the periodization of their training. Periodization in ski training is created by building short microcycles into our training that reflect an adaptation we would like to illicit through mesocycles. Many of these cycles build on top of one another and should reflect the long-term goal of a yearlong macrocycle.