Season Review

Before athletes and coaches can sit down and effectively plan for the next training year it's helpful to first reflect on the season we just completed. Although April is often a time when athletes can mentally check out, it's important to write down a review of the last training year and competition season while memories and feelings are still fresh in our minds. 

"We can't properly plan where were going, if we don't know where we've been"

A season review can be done in various ways but it's crucial that athletes take into consideration objective markers (results, training hours, etc) and subjective data (how did certain races fee? How did you feel mentally and physically) 

This review sheet is a great guide that can help organize objective and subjective data which will help athletes and coaches effectively set goals for a new training year. 

Downloadable version

Preparation phase totals: 
(First 32 weeks of the training year May 1st – Dec 4) 

Total hours: 
L1 hours: 
L3 on-time: 
L4 on-time 
Strength hours: 

If possible, list period hour totals (4-week block or month totals) 
Period 1 weeks 1-4:
Period 2 weeks 5-8:
Period 3 weeks 9-12:
Period 4 weeks 13-16:
Period 5 weeks 17-20:
Period 6 weeks 21-24:
Period 7 weeks 25-28:
Period 8 weeks 29-32:

Entire training year totals 
(May 1st – April 29)
Total hours: 
Monthly totals: 
L1 hours: 
L3 on-time:
L4 on-time:
Strength hours:
Number of races: 

List your top 3 race performances (and dates of these races if possible) 
At what point during the entire year did you feel your best. Describe what it felt like: 
At what point did you feel your worst or get sick: 
Take some time to think about your strengths and weaknesses as a skier. In order of importance, list 5 things you need to improve on in order to take your skiing to the next level.  (Techniques, strength, fitness, types of training, power, health, tactics, mental training, race preparation etc.) Be as specific as possible. 
List 5 things your coach can do better to help you achieve these improvements.